Welcome To BMMS
The Blue Mountain Middle School Visual Art class is a 10 week program that challenges students to think creatively while developing fundamental technical skills, as well as an appreciation for the arts. This Art class will meet everyday for 10 weeks for the duration of one quarter, or 20 weeks for the duration of one semester (two quarters). Students will learn about the historic and cultural significance that art has played throughout history, and create works of art that not only solve specific design criteria, but also allow them to explore their own personal artistic voice.
Each student will belong to a Google Classroom with will be linked to Artsonia. All assignments will be posted in both locations.
Semester 1 Due Dates for all projects are located HERE.
Due Dates for Advanced Studio Art Students are located HERE
All art assignments are to be submitted for grading via the digital portfolio website, Artsonia. Directions on how to use this incredible resource can be found on our website by following the corresponding links in the navigation on the left.
Watch this video to see how to photograph your artwork and upload it to Artsonia!
Thank you so much for your patience, understanding and cooperation during this time. We look forward to working with students in a safe, creative and fun learning environment!
Mrs. Krause & Mr. G